Setting up your profile is the first action you will be required to complete. This will allow you to add your business details, add mark-ups and add your business branding to personalise your out-going documents.
If you are signing in for the first time, simply click SETTINGS from the menu the home screen where you can start to enter your information.
Of course, you can always skip this step and set up your profile when its convenient for you. Once you are ready to come back to your profile, go to SETTINGS.
Personal details
In this section you will be able to add and update your first name, surname, title, email and mobile. These details will not appear on any quotes or invoices.
It is important to remember, if you change your email address from what you originally used to set up your QuoteUp account, your Login will also change.
Change password
In this section you can update and save your password whenever you need. Your password is secure and is only available to you while you are logged in.
Business details
In this section you can add and update your business name, phone number, fax, email, website, business address, and PO Box address (if applicable).
These details will appear at the bottom of any quote and invoice you send out to your customers
Business accounts
In this section you can add and update your ABN, ACN, License Number, Bank Name, BSB Number, and Account Number.
These details will appear at the bottom of any quote and invoice you send out to your customers
Document terms
In this section you can add your Quote Initials as well as the Quote Terms and Conditions.
Quote Initials:
- Your quote initials refer to the letters you want displayed quotes. QuoteUp will automatically generate and assign a unique number to each quote you create, using your quote initials as the prefix.
- For example, the quote initials for Precision Building could be PB. The quote number that is assigned to the first quote will be PB1
- You can also include additional reference initials like -A00, in which case the quote initials for the first quote assigned to Precision Building (including -A00) would be PB-A001
- Quote numbers will remain the same for corresponding invoices.
- For example, if a quote is created with the number PB-A001, the corresponding invoice will also be PB-A001 iv.
- If you decide to change your reference initials, all following documents will use the new reference initial created, however, it will continue the sequence used in previous quotes
- If you create a variation for a quote that you have won, then QuoteUp will simply create a new quote initial
- For example, a variation for PB-A001 will become PB-A002
- If you create a variation for a quote that has been declined, then QuoteUp will create a unique version of that quote
- For example, a variation for PB-A001 will become PB-A001a
Terms & Conditions:
- Your quote terms & conditions be manually typed into the Terms & Conditions field, alternatively, you can copy them from another document and paste them directly into QuoteUp.
- These details will appear at the bottom of any quote and invoice you send out to your customers
Mark-up Percentages
- In this section will you can add your mark-ups a percentage to your services provided and materials used. By adding a percentage into this section, all your quotes will automatically calculate your services and materials costing inclusive of your mark-up percentage.
- The percentage mark-ups on your services and materials will not appear on any quotes or invoices. You will only be able to see these percentages when you are logged into your account.
- You can add the GST percentage, which will be automatically calculated into the total costs to appear on the quote and invoice. The GST percentage will appear on your quote and invoice.
- You can add a deposit percentage, which will calculate how much deposit a customer is required to pay based on the total quote price. This will appear on the quote as a deposit amount, for example $220.
Document branding
- In this section you can customise the colour scheme of your quotes and invoices. You will also have access to upload your business logo, that will be displayed on quotes, invoices and the QuoteUp home page.
- Acceptable logo format files include: jpeg, gif, png and tiff. High resolution files (under 1MB) will provide best results.