Mark-up your images with ease
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Using mark-up tools
Marking up your images will help your quote make more sense to your customer, as well as any trades person assisting with the job. The Mark Up Tools Menu will give you six (6) options to mark up images you will use in your quote.
- Tool 1: Using this tool, you will be able to add text to the image to highlight specific points on the image.
- Tool 2: Using this tool, you will be able to add arrows to specific points on the image.
- Tool 3: Using this tool, you will be able to mark up the image with circles, lines etc. as though you were using pen.
- Tool 4: Using this tool, you will be able to mark the image with measurement, e.g. 2 cm.
- Tool 5: Using this tool, you will be able to add a numeric marker to the image.
- Tool 6: Using this tool, you will be able to box a specific section of the image.
The colour palette
The colour palette will allow you to change the colour of any mark up you have added to your selected images.
- The colour palette will allow you to change the colour of any mark up you have added to your selected images.
- You will be asked to save the image and its mark ups
- Click Cancel to make more changes
- Click OK to save
- At this point you can continue to add images and mark them up or Save Details and continue with the quote or add more details.
- Tap Next